This Week's Readings
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Almighty and eternal God, it is your will to bring the whole creation into unity in Christ; grant that your Church may faithfully proclaim the Good News until all people are saved and the earth is full of your glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |
Journeys Course
Have you ever wondered: …
•What is life all about? •Is God real? •Is there a spiritual side to me •If God and heaven exist, what are they like? •Where is God when life hurts? •How do I answer my children’s questions? •How can I build a hope and a future for my children? |
What is Journeys?
A five-week video-based course that looks at other experiences of finding God in the midst of busy and often challenging lives. Produced by current affairs TV presenter Rob Harley, Journeys tells amazing stories of faith, forgiveness, compassion, courage and after-life happenings that provide a fascinating relaxed and thought-provoking way of exploring some of life’s big issues. When—Saturday 25 January and five Saturdays after Time—1.30pm Where—St Paul’s Church Lounge Contact the office for more details. |
We are a worshipping community of three churches, eight congregations and 100’s of people, who are looking to welcome, grow and transform themselves and their local community here on the beautiful Kapiti Coast. We love Jesus and are growing to become more like him in every aspect, as we do life together. Our size means we have some diversity in expressions of worship, discipleship and mission, so there is bound to be something that will help you belong in the way that best suits you. This website will give you a taster of who we are and what we do. So why not get to know us and give us opportunity to get to know you by joining us for worship or one of the many activities we run in or for the community- we would love to meet you and your family!
If you want to access any Church services or prayer online, you can see links here: